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inventory with myobs, mydipla and dipla

1. Inventory

A good plan stands or falls with a good inventory. Import your own data or draw elements yourself. Go on site with the app and easily inventory landscape elements using points, lines and polygons. Use a wide range of background maps to work remotely.


2. Plan management

Set up sustainable management trajectories and link them to your elements. This can be done while drawing, or afterwards .

Based on an inventory via questionnaires or via imported data , Dipla can also automatically link management trajectories.



opbouw van een werkschema in dipla
gannt curve in dipla
cost estimate in dipla
implementation plan by dipla

3. Plan execution

Dipla calculates the work that needs to be carried out within a certain period and the associated costs.

This prognosis gives you insight into the feasibility of your plans and the impact on your organization.

Activate tasks based on your execution plan and pass them on to the appropriate executors.

4. Register tasks & follow up

The executor can find his tasks via the MyDipla app or via the browser. With the extensive filter they can display the tasks to be performed in a very targeted manner on a map and in a table, and the tasks can be easily checked off in bulk.


As an administrator, you get a quick overview of the status of the works. At one glance, you can see which work has been carried out, where there are drawbacks, etc.

task groups in module execution
task registration by executor in dipla
filter in module design
to-do list in progress

5. Bijsturen

Communication between planners, executors and contractors is essential to adjust plans in function of the reality on site. This is how you create a living management plan . With Dipla, all parties communicate on the same platform and any changes made are instantly visible. This can be done in the short term, by re-directing a task; or in the long term, by adjusting your management.

Andere features

  • Rollen en rechten per gebruiker instelbaar

  • Apps beschikbaar in meerdere talen

  • Exporteer data als shapefile of kml, of maak schermafdrukken 

  • Verschillende rapporten 

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